Unión Europea y grandes partidos piden a Maduro suspender elecciones presidenciales
Unión Europea y grandes partidos piden a Maduro suspender elecciones presidenciales


La alta representante de la Unión Europea (UE) para la Política Exterior, Federica Mogherini, y los partidos de mayor representación en el Parlamento Europeo apostaron hoy por suspender la convocatoria de elecciones del 20 de mayo en Venezuela y llegar a un acuerdo para unos comicios con garantías.

“Pese a la suspensión de las negociaciones de Santo Domingo de manera indefinida, el gobierno venezolano ha decidido adelantar las elecciones al 20 de mayo. Ese proceso no garantiza elecciones justas”, denunció la jefa de la diplomacia europea en un debate extraordinaria en el pleno del PE sobre Venezuela.

Mogherini lamentó que no todas las partes puedan participar en igualdad de condiciones, lo que a su juicio va a exacerbar la polarización en el país y creará obstáculos añadidos a la solución política.


También recordó su compromiso en el Consejo de Exteriores de seguir de cerca lo que ocurra el 20 de mayo y el derecho de tomar medidas que se guardan los países de la UE si se viola el sistema democrático en un país que recordó sufre una importante crisis económica, social y humanitaria.

En el debate con los eurodiputados, Esteban González Pons (PP) dijo exigir igualmente al presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, que “suspenda las elecciones y convoque otras con la participación de todas las fuerzas en igualdad de condiciones”.

Pons, que pidió al inicio del pleno el debate extraordinario sobre Venezuela y la votación de una resolución de urgencia, señaló que el PE no puede reconocer los resultados del 20 de mayo.

Ramón Jáuregui (PSOE), por su parte, insistió en la falta de garantías de unos comicios ventajistas con partidos ilegalizados y líderes políticos inhabilitados y dijo que para el socialismo europeo es clave que se reanude el diálogo para sacar a Venezuela de la crisis económica y humanitaria.

Desde los liberales europeos, Javier Nart (Ciudadanos) calificó al gobierno de Maduro de régimen liberticida que ha castrado a la asamblea nacional y al poder judicial.

Además de pedir el cese del proceso electoral, Nart reclamó que siga adelante la investigación por crímenes contra la humanidad de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI).

Por contra, a favor de los comicios y Maduro se mostró el eurodiputado de la Izquierda Unitaria europea Javier Couso (IU), que lamentó el procedimiento irregular por el que dijo se puso en el orden del día el debate extraordinario sobre Venezuela.

Couso señaló que ya van once los debates en la Eurocámara sobre el país latino, que según él el PP usa de comodín gastado y lleno de mentiras para hacer frente a asuntos como la corrupción.

En la misma línea, Ana Miranda (BNG), en el grupo de los Verdes europeos, señaló que “ojalá se preocuparan tanto como por Venezuela por las violaciones o los presos políticos en España”.

A continuación la resolución aprobada en el Parlamento Europeo:




Pursuant to Rule 123 of the Rules of Procedure


on the elections in Venezuela


tabled by Javier Nart and Beatriz Becerra

on behalf of the ALDE Group





… on behalf of the EPP Group

… on behalf of the S&D Group

… on behalf of the ECR Group




On the Elections in Venezuela


The European Parliament,



  • having regard to its numerous resolutions on Venezuela, in particular those of 27 February 2014, of 18 December 2014, of 12 March 2015, of 8 June 2016, of 27 April 2017 and of 8 February 2018,
  • having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948,
  • having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
  • having regard to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,
  • having regard to the declaration of ‘El Grupo de Lima’ of 23 January 2018,
  • having regard to the Council conclusions of 13 November 2017 and 22 January 2018,
  • having regard to the declaration by VP/HR on the latest developments in Venezuela, of 26 January 2018,
  • having regard to the statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mrs Fatou Bensouda of 8 February 2018,
  • having regard to the declaration of ‘El Grupo de Lima’ of 14 February 2018,
  • having regard to the declaration by the VP/HR on the situation in Venezuela of 19 April 2018,
  • having regard to the OAS declaration of 20 April 2018 on the worsening humanitarian situation in Venezuela,
  • having regard to the European Parliament’s Democracy support and election coordination group statement of 23 April 2018,
  • having regard to Rule 123(2) of its Rules of Procedure,



  1. whereas the early presidential elections called by the internationally non-recognised National Constituent Assembly and endorsed by the  National Electoral Council (CNE) are now to be held on 20 May 2018; whereas the CNE decided to limit participation in simultaneous local and regional elections to those parties that present candidates for the presidential elections;
  2. whereas on 25 January 2018 the Venezuelan Supreme Court decided to exclude the Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), a coalition of opposition parties, from the presidential elections, which represents a serious breach of the principle of equitable elections, prohibiting opposition candidates from competing freely and on equal terms in the elections;
  3. whereas the conditions for credible, transparent and inclusive elections are not met, as demonstrated during the talks in Santo Domingo which failed to reach an agreement between the Venezuelan government and the opposition; whereas international democratic bodies, including the European Union, declined the invitation to observe such illegitimate electoral process;
  4. whereas on 13 November 2017 the Council of the EU decided to adopt an arms embargo against Venezuela and a ban on related material that might be used for internal repression;  whereas on 22 January 2018 the Council of the EU decided, by unanimity, to impose sanctions against seven Venezuelan individuals holding official positions in the form of restrictive measures such as travel bans and asset freezes, in response to noncompliance with democratic principles;
  5. whereas the recent developments in Venezuela are causing further polarisation and deterioration of the situation of human rights, democracy and rule of law; whereas Venezuela is facing an unprecedented political, social, economic and humanitarian crisis, resulting in many deaths;



  1. Strongly rejects the decision by the internationally non-recognised National Constituent Assembly endorsed by the National Electoral Council to hold the early presidential elections, currently scheduled for 20 May 2018; calls for its immediate suspension until the necessary conditions for credible, transparent and inclusive elections are met;
  2. Insists that only elections based on a viable electoral calendar, agreed in the context of the national dialogue with all relevant actors and political parties, and respecting equal, fair and transparent conditions of participation – including the lifting of bans on political opponents, the freeing of political prisoners, the balanced composition of an impartial National Electoral Council and the existence of sufficient guarantees, including monitoring by independent international observers – will be recognised by the EU;
  3. Calls for the elections fulfilling all international standards, fully in line with OAS criteria, to be convened immediately; stresses out that the legitimate government resulting from such elections must urgently address the current economic and social crisis in Venezuela and work towards the national reconciliation of the country;
  4. Calls both government and opposition to adopt without further delay a macroeconomic stabilization plan together with the international financial institutions to face the numerous challenges the country is faced with such as the humanitarian crisis caused by the hyperinflation and the shortcoming of basic goods and medicines; reiterates its call to the Venezuelan government to allow humanitarian aid to the country;
  5. Recalls that under the current circumstances, the European Parliament cannot recognise the elections resulting from this illegitimate process; in this regard calls on the European Union, OAS and ‘El Grupo de Lima’ to act with united and coordinated voice;
  6. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Government and National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly and the Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States.