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Apple se consolida como líder de las tablets con 95% del mercado global
Hace 14 años

En las oficinas de Apple en Cupertino, California, debe haber más de una sonrisa.

Según un reporte de Strategy Analytics, citado por la agencia de noticias Bloomberg, el aumento de ventas de Apple en el tercer trimestre ha permitido que el iPad acapare el 95% del mercado de los tablets en el mundo.

La cifra anterior, reportada por Bloomberg, implicaría un incremento en las ventas de 4,19  a 4,4 millones de unidades. Lo que significaría una perdida del mercado para Andriod una caída de 0,6%, un 2,3% comparado con la cifra anterior de 2,9%.

Entre las empresas con el sistema operativo Android, de Google, se encuentran Samsung, HTC y Motorola.

Pero todo puede cambiar con la llegada al mercado de dos jugadores muy anticipados, el PlayBook (de RIM/Blackberry) y el tablet de HP.

Aquí la nota original de Bloomberg:

Apple Inc. increased its market share in tablet computers to 95 percent in the third quarter, while Google Inc.’s Android operating system slipped, according to researcher Strategy Analytics.

Global tablet sales rose 26 percent from the previous period to 4.4 million units, with Apple selling 4.19 million iPads, the company said in a statement. Android’s share of the market declined to 2.3 percent from 2.9 percent.

Android’s market share will rise in the fourth quarter as devices using Google’s platform enter the market, Strategy Analytics said. U.S. mobile-phone carriers will start selling Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy Tab from November 11.

“The tablet wars are up and running,” said Strategy Analytics Director Neil Mawston in the statement. Android and other operating platforms “are trailing in Apple’s wake and they already have much ground to make up.”

Samsung, HTC Corp., Motorola Inc. and Dell Inc. are among the companies using the Android operating system in tablet computers to rival the iPad.

Hewlett-Packard Co., the largest computer maker, is also developing a tablet computer. Research In Motion Ltd., maker of the BlackBerry smartphone, unveiled the PlayBook in September as a challenger to the iPad and said it would begin selling the tablet early next year.

To contact the reporter on this story: Jonathan Browning in

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Vidya Root at vroot@bloomberg

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